The Diogenes Phase

I think everyone goes through the temporary diogenes phase wheather they like it or not. In which they lose motivation to stay in the rat race and need to take a break. Nowadays we call it a midlife crisis, and we see them as a negative thing. However, that time can be a valuable learning experience, and can help one remember to enjoy life. Here are some memes to reflect on. These may encourage the reader to let loose, spend some money, and indulge in the joys of life. The videos show how life can be enjoyed with little money, and the expensive toys that we typically desire are little more than “the cherry on top”.

  • One doesn’t need a ferrari to live the dream.



  • Sometimes one has to let loose to enjoy life.

“In the never ending struggle for self actualization, some choose the restless unsatisfiable quest for wealth, while others choose a simple path”
“Modern day diogenes… Legend.” ~ commentor
“Drum rolling tobacco and shredding the nar………a contentment and peace very few will ever know and even fewer will understand. Epic video from a place in time that no longer exists.” commentor

  • a modern day ski bum. He hasn’t missed a day on the hill.
  • People will spend their entire lives in the pursuit of the fancy car. But then see a youtuber destroy it for a mix of fun and money. The video makes the ferrari look like a toy, and like any toy, they typically don’t last. I see why billionaires like Zuckerberg and Buffet drive humble a Honda and Cadillac respectively.
  • here it seems like the guy is getting good use of his Bugatti


In terms of productivity, this phase may still seem fine, because many great products were developed from a more practical desire, then a strategic plan.