For learning italian here is a table of word conversions. It will be continually added to.
Word Conversions
Italian | English |
Piacere | Nice to meet you |
di | from |
vero | right/correct |
tu sei | you're / you are |
scusa | excuse me |
Di dove sei | where are you from |
ciao | hi |
Londra | london |
lui | he |
e` | is |
bistecca | steak |
Armadio | closet |
nostri / nostra (fem) / nostro (masc) | our |
loro | sono |
couchi | cooks |
madre | mother |
tiatro | theatre |
negozio | store |
il | the |
chiesa | church |
signora | ma'am |
C'e` | is, There's, there is, there are |
piazza | square |
banca | bank |
e | and |
bagno | restroom |
questro | this |
restorante | restaurant |
bar | cafe |
farmacia | pharmacy |
mille | very much |
verdi | green |
dopo | after |
a presto | see you soon |
a domani | see you tomorrow |
due | two |
tre | three |
quattro | four |
cinque | five |
sei | six |
sette | seven |
otto | eight |
nove | nine |
dieci | ten |
Io sono | I am |
(Io) Ho | I have |
(Noi) abbiamo | We have |
(loro) hanno | They have |
zio | uncle |
zia | aunt |
fratello / fratelli | brother / brothers |
figlia / figlie | duaghter / daughters |
figlio / figli | son / sons |
cugino (male) / cugini | cousin / cousins |
nipote / nipoti | grandchild / grandchildren |
anziano/a | old man/woman |
bambimo/a | child |
cosa | what |
C' se | what is the matter |
C' | is there / there is |
quando | when |
come | how |
dove | where |
vorrie | I would like |
altro | anything else |
pranzo | lunch |
cena | dinner |
(prima) colazione | (first) breakfest |
formaggio | cheese |
verdura | greens |
aperitivo | happy hour |
coperto | service charge per person |
antipasto | shareables |
trattoria | fast service |
pesce | fish |
cruda | fresh |
cotta | cooked |
torta | cake |
miele | honey |
brown | castani |
blue | azzurrro |
nero | black |
piccoli | small |
magro/a | thin |
robusto/a | overweight |
alto | tall |
basso | short |
pittore | painter |
medico | doctor |
denista | dentist |
il pante | bridge |
duomo | cathedral |
centro | downtown |
tavolo | table |
stasera | tonight |
prenotaziole / ha la prenotaziole | reservation / do you have reservation |
la frutta secca | nuts |
la minestra | soup |
pollo | chicken |
frutti di mare | seafood |
bestecca | steak |
zio | uncle |