AI Content

Looking for some good resources to learn more about the machine learning sphere. Here is a list of my favourite creators in the space.

Machine Learning Street Talk

A great general machine learning podcast that brings on the popular researchers for informative discussion. A nice listen during the commute.

Papers With Code

A great resource for staying update to date with the state of the art.


A great resource for anyone trying to learning more about the reinforcement learning community. Here are my favourite episodes.

Machine Learning With Phil

Has alot of great content on reinforcement learning. Here is an nice talk on AGI.

Edan Meyer

Does great deep dives into specific topics of machine learning. Has great coverage of some multi-model developments such as with.

Yannic Kilcher

Makes awesome explanatory youtube videos. Sometimes about milestone ML papers, other times about news, other times about projects he is working on. Currently is leading an effort with Open Assistant.

Lilian Weng

A great ML blog.