Good Business Advise From Socials

The internet has a plethera of mediocore advise (1, 2). However, there is still a few a gems, and this is my catelogue of what I’ve found so far. On video isn’t even instructional and just a vibe.

  • this is one of the my favourite videos on entrepreneurship. It shows that the exercise is not a grind, and not always overly strategic, but is often the result of people solving their own problems.

  • Notice that common business logic is to start with a small problem and focus on the solving that. In the late 90s I wouldn’t of call search a small problem.
  • YC sees alot of companies go through their system, and Sam is growing one of the most impressive organizations in the world right now. So I am giong guess this advise is pretty sound.

  • a fantastic video showing the level of care Apple has for it products
  • controversial advise, but he has the credentials to back it up.
  • This guy is likely a fake guru, but “even a broken clock is right twice a day”

  • the slowness of business is perfectly captured in this interview. Notice how they mention that they had been holding onto ChatGPT for a while. Also, it’s funny to note the top comment is on interior design.
  • Note: I am aware that this interview got publicity because Mira didn’t know something about the training data. Nonetheless, I think the video shows how ‘calm, cool, and collected’ Open AI appears in the technology space.
  • Compare Open AI’s mentality to that of the internet business gurus.

  • I don’t agree with the audio message in the video, but I do agree with the diagram.
  • a nice video on raising capital

  • Don’t feel bad if things aren’t going well, you may not be in your prime.


  • timestamp 2:36. This guy decide to be great at chess and he just went ahead and did it. He only used one opening move, and learned no theory. It makes one wonder what they can achieve in entrepreneurship if they treated it like this guy.
  • Note: likely not the best idea, and is counter to an earlier point, but still an intereesting perspective nonetheless.
  • A commentor: “My guy treated chess like SoloQ and is actually climbing. What a legend”
  • Again not specifically business content but is still good for any CEO / intellectual to contemplate. If you aren’t loose your decisions will be wonky.